What is an open air photo booth?
You may have wondered what is an open air photo booth or how is it different from a traditional or a close photo booth? Is there any difference as far as quality or finished photo prints are concerned? How well are they equipped to cater to a large crowd? Are they comparatively easier to operate or cost less than a traditional photo booth?
Event Photo Booth Hire Sydney
We have got all the answers. To begin with, an open air photo booth is one that gives you an opportunity to experiment with lots of props and styles in the open air with no enclosures. It is a booth in the usual sense of the word instead it is a slimmer and slicker machine that takes photos from a distance. It is easier to operate and there are many popular open photo booth hire services across Sydney.
There are plenty of reasons why you should opt for an open air photo booth over a traditional enclosed booth. Open air booths don’t clutter up your reception hall. They have smaller footprints hence occupy less space making them easier to fit into places where traditional booths can’t. You will find it easier to take these open air photo booths through tiny doorways. It is also very convenient to place them at awkwardly tight corner.
If you want to make sure no one misses the photo booth, an open air one is the way to go. Open air photo booth in Sydney will give more opportunity for photo bombing since people love to join others having good time. More people often means more fun and this comes absolutely true with open air photo booth service!
In a nutshell, open air photo booth service is preferred for photobomb potential, endless customisation, viewing potential and a modern and sleek design.